Tailored road safety education and hands-on training to empower 9-12-year-olds for safer cycling and responsible road use.
Teaching children road safety in an age-appropiate way is so important for their development. This helps shape their attitude to road safety and how they behave as they grow and progress through the various stages of being a road user. We will offer a range of resources that will tailor road safety messages to help engage primary schools and primary school children (age 9-12). Children will get practical bicycle, electric scooter and road skills training as well as theoretical and Rules of the Road instruction. This will allow children to take a more active role in making safer cycling decisions under the active assistance of an instructor.

About the project
Our e-Green Projects aims at road Safety education for primary school children, specifically road safety in the context of the use of bicycles and electric scooters. We aim to crate very practical resources and awareness campaigns to help primary school children stay safe on our roads. The project is called e-Green because we wish to convery two meanings, both the ‘electric’ part of the project, represented by scooters, but also the ‘energy’ side of things represented by the bicycles and mechanical scooters. The e-Green project also represents the push for green alternatives in terms of local transportation and it is a great vehicle to tach children aged 9-12 to begin to thinck about green policies and ways of looking after the planet.